Admitting that it’s time to begin researching living assistance for a loved one takes strength and self-awareness. It requires the ability to admit you can’t do it alone, as well as respect for the myriad of conditions that we may face as we age. If no one has said it to you yet, you are doing the right thing, and I’m here to help you make the decision that’s right for you.
That’s why I named my business Collaborative Home Care, and why I began this blog: To share my experiences, listen to yours, and partner with you to find a solution that best suits your needs.
The first thing I want you to know about me is that my mother is in a memory care assisted living community. We initially had a great experience with in-home care, but as her condition deteriorated, and because she hadn’t been paired with professionals familiar with Alzheimer’s, life grew more difficult and we knew we needed to find another option.
Our decision to turn to a community was based on our concerns about my mom’s habits and behaviors; her personality; and, honestly, the feeling of reassurance we had when meeting with the staff who we would collaborate with in providing the right care for my mom. Do I wish we could have kept her at home, and in the house she loved and raised her two children in? Absolutely. That was always our family’s first choice. Still, I have no regrets. Though my mother’s transition into the home was not without challenges, one year in, she is content, happy and adjusting well. According to her: “The hardest thing I have to do is shower.” (She reminds us of this every time we call and, I’ll admit, the joke never gets old.)
The reality is that when it comes to elder care, there is no one size fits all path. We do what is best for our loved ones, when it’s best to do it. And when things shift, you adjust. That’s why I freely share that I manage a home care business even though home care is no longer right for my mom. Elder care is a journey, and I want to take my experiences and help other families find their path. That is my purpose, and it’s why I created my business. If you decide home care is right for your current situation, I’d love the opportunity to demonstrate why my team can be a valuable part of your care solution.
That being said, a little about me.
Prior to launching Collaborative Home Care, I spent sixteen years raising millions of dollars for large, urban school districts—money which funded school budgets for necessities such as books and helped create opportunities for thousands of students to participate in sports. The chance to help improve these students’ lives—even if it was just one aspect of it—meant the world to me.
My brother-in-law had started a successful home care agency in Illinois, and when my mother’s condition began to deteriorate and in-home care grew more difficult, the seed was planted. I wanted to combine my love of creating opportunities that help improve people’s lives, my first-hand experience with Alzheimer’s, and the advice and learnings from someone who understood the nuances of running such a business. With that, Collaborative Home Care was born.
Taking care of an aging parent can be difficult—working with an agency should ease that stress. I am building a company of like-minded people who find purpose in caring for others and who are trained in the specialties that matter most in my clients’ lives. I will only work with a diverse group of individuals who care for their clients in the same way they would care for a loved one. And I want my team and the families we work with to feel that we are completely in this together.
I hope you will continue to visit this blog. In the coming weeks and months, I look forward to sharing more about myself as well as pertinent information around issues relevant to you and this decision. In the meantime, if you’re interested in home care or have any questions, I hope you won’t hesitate to reach out.
Bryan Knust
Owner, Collaborative Home Care